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Universidad del Pacífico


The Writing of the American Territory

Authors: Antonio Sánchez Jiménez y Martina Vinatea (eds.), Arnulfo Herrera, Blanca López de Mariscal, Camila Mardones Bravo, Carlos Mata Induráin, Celsa García Valdés, César Belan, César Sánchez Martínez, Elio Vélez Marquina, Jean Christian Egoávil, Jordi Aladro, José Antonio Crespo, Laura Munguía Ochoa, Manuel Sierra Martín, Mariela Insúa, Omar Rodríguez Camarena

One of the topics that has most attracted the attention of Americanist critics has been the European in the  imagination of  America as a chimerical continent that brought together much of the hopes and fears of the Old World, as well as its projects of colonial domination. Such is the influence of this current of thought that there is hardly any study of importance, from Todorov’s classic to recent imagological works, that does not collect it and that does not examine how the Europeans invented America or (perhaps here is the most important development of the later years) how Americans adopted and modified this invention to further their own interests. This volume, The Writing of the American Territory, examines this series of European chimeras in their interaction with the American reality and throughout various literary genres (the relationship of travel or merit, chronicle, choreography, comic theater, philosophy , etc.) and artistic (mural painting).

Carlos Mata Induráin, Accredited Full Professor, is a researcher and Secretary of GRISO (University of Navarra) and IDEA. His research focuses on the Spanish Golden Age: burlesque comedy, autos sacramentales, Cervantes, Lope or Calderón, among other authors.

Antonio Sánchez Jiménez, Professor of Spanish Literature at the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland), is author of several monographs and critical editions of golden texts (Lope de Vega, Calderón de la Barca, Eugenio de Salazar, Spanish and viceregal poetry, Black Legend, etc.).

Martina Vinatea, PhD in Hispanic Philology and History, is Senior Lecturer at the Universidad del Pacífico (Peru) and Co-Director of the Center for Indian Studies (CEI) / Indian Studies Project (PEI). Lately she has been investigating feminine convent poetry and viceregal Peru.


Hipogrifo, Vol. 9, Núm. 2 (2021)

