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Universidad del Pacífico


Relación y sentencia del virrey del Perú, de Francisco de Borja y Aragón

Authors: Francisco de Borja y Aragón, María Inés Zaldívar Ovalle (ed.), Príncipe de Esquilache

The present edition, by María Inés Zaldívar Ovalle, gives the reader the Relationship that leaves upon his government Mr. Francisco de Borja y Aragón, Prince of Esquilache, viceroy of Peru between 1615 and 1621, and the subsequent Judgment of the Royal Council of the Indies, in 1626. It also includes, at the beginning of the corpus, the transcription of a brief message sent by Esquilache to his predecessor the Marquis of Montesclaros, and the extense response of the latter to the aforementioned.

The set of versions of the texts worked for this edition by Zaldívar consists of three manuscripts and three printed editions, in the case of the Relationship, and with the original manuscript and a printed version in the case of the Judgment. It is added, also, the manuscript of the Note to Montesclaros and its subsequent response. This edition counts with an extensive preliminary study that provides information and elements of analysis which can help to better understand the still little-known context in which this viceroyalty of Peru takes place, as well as the relations between the successive rulers.


Acta Literaria, Núm. 55, (2017)

Teaching tools

Francisco de Borja y Aragón. El virrey poeta (prezi)


Relación y sentencia del virrey del Perú BorjaFrancisco2016