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Universidad del Pacífico
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The Classics Page

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. The Classics Page es un sitio web que alberga valiosas herramientas como The Latin Library, donde se encuentran tetos latinos desde...

Corpus Diacrónico y Diatópico del Español de América (Cordiam)

The Corpus Diacrónico y Diatópico del Español de América (Cordiam), of the Academia Mexicana de la Lengua is a strong digital tool that allows to learn about the historic...

Sociedad Indiana

This blog is the dissemination body of the working group on social history of the Indian world. It was created in July 2015 at the Instituto de Investigaciones...

Monastic Matrix

Monastic Matrix is an ongoing collaborative effort by an international group of scholars of medieval history, religion, history of art, archaeology, religion, and other disciplines, as well as...

Adenda. Letras novohispanas

The Magazine Adenda. Letras novohispanas disseminates the work of the research group of the Seminario de Edición Crítica de Textos ( Workshop of critical editions of texts) which...

Digital data base of Medieval Iconography

Monks with astrolabe, Salterio de Blanca de Castilla, Queen of France S. XIII, National Library of France, Ms Arsenal Lat. 1186, f. 1v The Project for Innovation and...

Glossa a Latin Dictionary

The Glossa latin dictionary has been created on the basis of  A Latin Dictionary: Founded on Andrews’ Edition of Freund’s Latin Dictionary: Revised, Enlarged, and in Great Part...

Spanish Paleography Digital Teaching and Learning

The CUNY Dominican Studies Institute (CUNY DSI) of the City College of New York has created the Spanish Paleography Digital Teaching and Learning Tool. This is an online interactive...

Mexican Incunabula (1559-1600) at the Latin Amercian Library

The first printing press in the New World was established in Mexico City in 1539. These early imprints consisted primarily of grammars and vocabularies of native Indian languages,...

Digital Mexican Library

The Biblioteca Digital Mexicana, BDMx, was founded on 23 November 2010 by decision of four important Mexican cultural institutions connected to history and culture: The Archivo General de la...

Dictionary of Novohispanic Abbreviations

The Centro de Estudios Mayas del Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas de la UNAM (Center of Maya Studies of the Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de...

Portal de Archivos Españoles (PARES)

The Portal of Spanish Archives is a project of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport intended for the dissemination through Internet of the Historical Documentary Spanish Heritage...