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Universidad del Pacífico


The ten architecture books by Leon Baptista Alberto

Authors: Leon Battista Alberti

De re ædificatoria (1452) de Leon Battista Alberti Alberti was published in Spanish in 1582. The work, which circulates in manuscript and printed media, was based on the work De architectura de Vitruvio. Alberti’s work is based on the ten books of the classical Latin Vitruvio’s book :


  1. Lineamenta
    II. Materia
    III. Opus
    IIII. Universorum opus
    V. Singuiorum opus
    VI. Ornamentum
    VII. Sacrorum ornamentum
    VIII. Publici profani ornamentum
    IX. Privati ornamentum
    X. Operitium instauratio

Este volumen fue ampliamente consultado en el mundo hispánico tanto para la arquitectura como para la pintura y el diseño de los templos. La solución que Alberti encontró entre el pasado medieval florentino y las novedades renacentistas hicieron del De re ædificatoria una obra moderna que facilitó la creación de nuevos modelos espaciales.

A Leon Battista Alberti se le atribuye, además, la autoría del que para muchos es el libro más raro y bello del Renacimiento, la Hypnerotomachia Poliphili. 

This volume was widely consulted in the Hispanic world for both architecture and for the church painting and design. The solution that Alberti found between the medieval Florentine past and the renaissance novelties made De re ædificatoria a modern work that facilitated the creation of new spatial models.

Leon Battista Alberti is also credited with the authorship of what for many is the rarest and most beautiful book of the Renaissance, the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili.