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Universidad del Pacífico


Los prodigios de la omnipotencia y milagros de la gracia en la vida de la venerable sierva de Dios, Catarina de San Juan (Libro I)

Authors: Alonso Ramos, Robin Ann Rice (ed.)

The hagiographies of nuns proliferated in the New Spain’s XVII century and the Jesuits were the paladins in terms of these novelistic manifestations. Inspired by the personal ambitions of the authors for cultivating holiness in unsuspected people, the texts, part medieval exemplum, part fantastic novel, wove stories with excessive miracles and portentous acts possible only in a world that lived in the last paroxysms of the Renaissance imagination, the mystical exuberance and the intellectual technique of the ignatian compositio loci. Los prodigios de la omnipotencia y milagros de la gracia en la vida de la venerable sierva de Dios Catarina de San Juan, written between 1689 and 1692, it is the most voluminous and complicated compendium of all the hagiographic models of the time. It recorded how society lived the spirituality and to what degree it was willing to believe in thaumaturgical events and people whose lived experiences exceeded the limits of the credible.

Robin Ann Rice is a full-time professor and researcher at the Popular Autonomous University of the State of Puebla (PAUSP). Member of the National System of Researchers (NSR), she has a PhD in Hispanic Philology from the University of Navarra. Her previous studies are in the area of Comparative Literature. She is the author of books and articles on sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Isabel de la Encarnación, Vélez de Guevara, Lope de Vega, Maria de Zayas, Mariana de Carvajal and Miguel de Cervantes, among others.

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