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Universidad del Pacífico


Festivos cultos, celebres aclamaciones que la siempre triunfante Roma dio a la benaventurada Rosa de S. Maria Virgen de Lima

Authors: Francisco de Córdova y Castro

The bibliographical study of Father Domingo Angulo includes a very good synthesized chapter regarding the extraordinary celebrations with which the beatification of Santa Rosa was celebrated. The text compiles the festive activities celebrated on the occasion of the beatification of Rosa de Santa María that have been described in different works, mainly in the work of Mr. Francisco de Córdova y Castro (1668): Festivos Cultos. Célebres aclamaciones que la siempre triunfante Roma dió a la Bienaventurada Rosa de Santa María. After the «providential act» that determines the beatification of our Saint by Clemente IX, «superb feasts» were held in Rome and Madrid mainly. These were celebrated with «unusual splendor» and solemnity, giving the opportunity to the expression of various forms of art: songs, poetry, etc. The description of these magnificent parties could not but exceed itself in the religious and civil pomp of the homeland of the blessed: Lima. The solemnities in the Ciudad de los Reyes began in the great convent of Rosario and involved various institutions such as the holy Cathedral Church, the Royal University of San Marcos and even the Government and the nobility. Even, “it seems that everything rich and artistic which was locked in the stately mansions of Lima, was transported in those days to the church and cloister of Santo Domingo,” to make an offering to Santa Rosa. From this brief writing, the author shows the importance of Santa Rosa de Santa María as patron Saint of Peru, America and the Philippines.

The volume also contains the following works:

1 Oración panegírica de la Beata Rosa de Santa María, pronounced by the jesuit Nicolás Martínez on June 10, 1668 in the Church of Santiago Apóstol in Rome (p. 59)

2 Academia de Laudibus Beatæ Rosæ Virginis Peruanæ, from the jesuit Carlo Bovio, in Rome 1667 (p. 94). The work contains epigrams, odes and various Latin poems from poets close to the Greek school of the Jesuits in Rome.

3 Vita Betaæ Rosæ a S. Maria… from the Jesuit Ignacio Bompiano, which resumes Rosa’s hagiography in 244 Latin epigrams (p.122)

4 From page 174 to page 277 there is a series of poems and games of wit in Latin, Spanish and Italian.

5 Sermone in lode de la Beata Rosa di Santa Maria, from the general of the Company of Jesus, Giovanni Paolo Oliva, printed in Rome by Angelo Tinassi, 1668 (p. 278)

6 Oración panegírica from the dominican Antonio de Vergara (p. 314)