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Universidad del Pacífico


Diario de noticias sobresalientes en Lima y Noticias de Europa (1700-1711), Volumen 1 (1700-1705)

Authors: José Antonio Rodríguez Garrido (ed.), Paul Firbas (ed.)

We offer here a study and edition of what was probably the first newspaper of the Americas: the Journal of outstanding news in Lima and the News of Europe, which were printed in the workshops of Jose de Contreras and Alvarado between 1700 and 1711 in the capital of the viceroyalty of Peru. This material has had, until now, little circulation among scholars of the Peruvian colonial world and offers a wealth of information about the events in Lima in the early eighteenth century and the events that shook Europe at the same time. This first volume contains the first five years of Peruvian and European news, which correspond to the final stage of the Viceregal government of the Count of Moncloa (1700-1705).

Paul Firbas is an associate professor in the Department of Hispanic Languages ​​and Literature at Stony Brook University. He has published the poem Antarctic Weapons (Armas antárticas) of Juan de Miramontes Zuázola (2006) and the volume Epic and Colony: essays on the epic genre in Latin America [Épica y colonia: ensayos sobre el género épico en Iberoamérica] (2008) and published numerous articles on colonial culture, particularly the Andean area.

José A. Rodríguez Garrido is principal professor of the Department of Humanities at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. He is co-editor of the volumes Editing and annotation of Spanish-American colonial texts [Edición y anotación de textos coloniales hispanoamericanos] (Madrid, 1999) and Theater in colonial Latin America [El teatro en la Hispanoamérica colonial] (Madrid, 2008) and author of Sor Juana’s Carta Atenagórica: unpublished texts of a controversy [La Carta Atenagórica de Sor Juana: textos inéditos de una polémica] (Mexico, 2004) .


Digital Resources

Digital version of Diario de noticias sobresalientes en Lima (NYPL)