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Universidad del Pacífico


Constituciones de esta provincia de los Doze Apostoles del Peru

This document was drawn up in the provincial chapter of the Franciscan order, held in the Concepción de Jauja convent with Fray Juan Venido as general commissioner. The constitutions were printed in Lima by Francisco del Canto. It is a set of regulations for proper coexistence within the convent and for the training of religious. It consists of nine chapters where topics such as the reception of the novices, prayer, the vow of poverty, the way of talking inside and outside the convent, the Franciscan doctrines and the suffrages that must be made for the deceased friars are addressed. . It is a relevant text for the study of convent life in Peru.
Since its arrival in Peru, the order of San Francisco spread through the viceroyalty, gaining prestige and a large number of religious for its cloisters. In 1553, the Franciscan Province of the Twelve Apostles of Peru was created, which was the most important in South America. From it other Franciscan provinces were detached for this part of the continent.

Ivonne Macazana
Proyecto Estudios Indianos
Digital Resources
Heras, Julián (1989). Las doctrinas franciscanas en el Perú colonial
Diego de Córdova y Salinas. Crónica franciscana de las provincias del Perú