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Universidad del Pacífico


Biblioteca Indiana, 4

Entremeses, loas y coloquios de Potosí. Colección del convento de Santa Teresa.

Biblioteca Indiana, 4

Arellano, I. y A. Eichmann (eds.)
Entremeses, loas y coloquios de Potosí. Colección del convento de Santa Teresa.
2005, 480 pp., 36.00 euros.
ISBN: 84-8489-204-2

Critical  edition of a corpus of theatre pieces written for the celebration of the feasts of the Carmelo between the seventeenth and the nineteenth centuries.


  • Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica, 54-2, pp. 649-652.
    This collection “can be considered a necessary source for the approach to the Spanish-American viceroyalty theater, during the creation of the Centro de Estudios Indianos. Herewith it is included the rigorous editing work of Arellano and Eichmann, reaffirming the valuable contribution that, since a while ago and in collaboration with important American institutions, the GRISO (Grupo de Investigación Siglo de oro de la Universidad de Navarra) has developed the studies on literature of the Golden Age in Spain and America».
  • Historia y cultura, XXI, 2006.
Biblioteca Indiana, 4