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Universidad del Pacífico


Arte Imperial Inca. Sus orígenes y transformaciones desde la Conquista a la Independencia

Authors: Carolyn Dean, Joanne Pillsbury, John H. Elliott, Luis E. Wuffarden, Manuel Burga, Mariusz Ziólkowski, Ramón Mujica, Roberto Amigo, Rolena Adorno, Tom Cummins, Víctor Peralta

The present book, volume XLVII of the collection Arte y Tesoros del Perú, is the first of two volumes dedicated to the study of Andean artistic production that emerged from the encounter between two cultural traditions, that is, the Spanish and the native ones. The Inca empire came to an end when it was militarily overcome by the invading forces, but many aspects of its material culture survived, albeit transformed, in a new political context. Thus, this encounter was both a conflict and an exchange of world views, a phenomenon that impacted on both societies and was reflected in the work of their artists.

The studies gathered in this volume begin with a double introduction, with texts by John H. Elliot and Manuel Burga, which contextualises the emergence and cultural legacy of Inca art. Then, we find texts dedicated to the study of visual culture, architecture, emblems, political theology and the Inca genealogies of a period that began with the arrival of the Spaniards and that extended during the three centuries of the Viceroyalty of Perú until the dawn of Independence.