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Universidad del Pacífico


Antología de la literatura burlesca del Siglo de Oro. Burla y sátira en los virreinatos de Indias. Una antología provisional

Authors: Arnulfo Herrera, Carlos F. Cananillas, Fernando Rodríguez y Martina Vinatea (eds.)

Within the framework of the Anthology of Burlesque Literature of the Golden Age, undertaken from the project Identidades y alteridades. La burla como diversión y arma social en la literatura y cultura del Siglo de Oro (FFI2017-82532-P, MICINN / AEI / FEDER, UE), this volume is dedicated to the materials intended as indianos. This book offers some outstanding compositions and authors. It is far from being exhaustive. It does not even draw a basic systematic panorama, but it does show some representative texts in the two great viceroyalties. For the Peruvian, the poetry of Caviedes and the Ciego de la Merced and the prose texts extracted from chronicles of the Indies constitute a limited but significant example. For New Spain, a version of the famous Quevedian eschatological pamphlet dedicated to the last eye is added to the poetic anthology, a manifestation of the validity of a model like Don Francisco’s, very perceptible also in a poet like Caviedes.

Carlos F. Cabanillas Cárdenas, graduated from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and a doctor from the University of Navarra, currently works as a professor and researcher at the Arctic University of Norway, in Tromsø. His fields of study are the literature of the Golden Age and, especially, the work of the poet Juan del Valle y Caviedes, about whom he has edited his work and published various articles.

Arnulfo Herrera has been a professor of Spanish literature from the Golden Age at the National Autonomous University of Mexico since 1978. He is attached to the Institute for Aesthetic Research, where he works on issues of Mexican literature.

Fernando Rodríguez Mansilla is a full professor at Hobart and William Smith Colleges (Geneva, New York). He is the author of the books Picaresca femenina de Alonso de Castillo Solórzano (2012) and El Inca Garcilaso en su Siglo de Oro (2019). In addition, he has published works on Cervantes, Quevedo, the picaresque novel, Lope de Vega, María de Zayas and colonial literature.

Martina Vinatea, PhD in Hispanic Philology and History, is a senior lecturer at the Universidad del Pacífico (Peru) and co-director of the Center for Indian Studies (CEI) / Proyecto Estudios Indianos (PEI). Lately she investigates about female conventual poetry and viceregal Peru.