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Universidad del Pacífico
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Digital data base of Medieval Iconography

Monks with astrolabe, Salterio de Blanca de Castilla, Queen of France S. XIII, National Library of France, Ms Arsenal Lat. 1186, f. 1v The Project for Innovation and...

Digital Mexican Library

The Biblioteca Digital Mexicana, BDMx, was founded on 23 November 2010 by decision of four important Mexican cultural institutions connected to history and culture: The Archivo General de la...

Old Maps Online

This website offers a collection of old maps of practically the whole world. Just by choosing a place, a series of maps will appear in the right section...

Bibliografía de Escritoras Españolas (BIESES)

The project BIESES is the acronym for Bibliography of women writers This opens access database for all researchers, was created by the need to complete, collect and systematize...

Repositorio documental GREDOS (Universidad de Salamanca)

GREDOS is the acronym of the Management System of the Documentary Repository of the University of Salamanca.  This platform allows the consultation of on-line documents with historic, scientific,...

Project on the Engraved Sources of Spanish Colonial Art (PESSCA)

Conocido como PESSCA por sus siglas en inglés, se trata del repositorio visual más completo e importante para encontrar las fuentes grabadas de la producción pictórica de los...

TinEye Reverse Image Search (Buscador de imágenes de alta definición)

TinEye is a reverse image search engine. Find the source page, explain how it is being used, and note if there are modified versions of it, or at...

Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE)

The Corpus Diachronic of Spanish (CORDE) is a textual corpus of all the times and places in which Spanish was spoken, from the beginning of the language until...