Logo Estudios Indianos
Universidad del Pacífico


Mujer y literatura femenina en la América virreinal

This book makes available to the reader a series of works dedicated to women of the viceregal America, women who were writers or protagonists of relevant events in the conquest of various territories of the region. Along with the studies...


Library Amarilis

The Proyecto de Estudios Indianos inaugurates with the Amarilis Library a series of digital collections that gather the volumes that occupied the shelves of the American writers of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Libraries are a valuable tool for...


Epistle of Amarilis to Belardo

In the volume La Filomena y otras diversas rimas  (La Filomena and several other rhymes) of Lope de Vega, printed in Madrid in 1621, appears the sixth epistle titled “Epistle from Amarilis to Belardo”. In our Glosario de Indias (Glossary...


The Arcadia, Proses and verses by Lope de Vega Carpio

Printed in 1598 in Madrid, this work of Lope de Vega had throughout the sixteenth century some twenty editions. It represents a fundamental moment of artistic and literary syncretism to understand the development of the Letters during the seventeenth century,...


The Lusiadas, epic poem translated by Henrique Garcés

The remarkable digital platform of the National Library of Portugal keeps valuable prints that constitute one of the Hispanic cultural heritage of modern times. The history between Spain and Portugal is brought together in one of its most representative figures...


Introduction of the symbol of faith

The introduction of the symbol of faith is an essential text for the studies of modern Catholicism, especially for those dedicated to asceticism. Encyclopedic work, it summarizes the knowledge proper to Hispanic Christianity that includes the Peninsula and the New...


Travels and mythical cities

The Biblioteca Áurea Digital (BIADIG) (Digital Golden Library (BIADIG)), part of GRISO’s digital publications, has an extraordinary new book. This is the volume edited by Martina Vinatea and Álvaro Baraibar Viajes y ciudades míticas  (Travels and mythical cities). The topics...


Foundation and Greatnesses of the very noble, and very loyal City of the Kings of Lima …, by Rodrigo de Valdés S.J.

The complete title of the work of Rodrigo de Valdés is Fundacion y Grandezas  de la muy noble, y muy leal Civdad de los Reyes de Lima, insigne corte, Cabeza Tres vezes Coro- nada del Perv, Rico Lucido esmalte de...


The translation of the Indian of the three Love dialogues of León Hebreo; from Italian to Spanish by Garcilasso Inga de la Vega

The only translation made by the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega was Dialoghi d’amore (1535), from the Jew Portuguese writer Judah Abravanel, known as León Hebreo. The importance of the Spanish version of this work is not only because of the...


Relic of the Monastery of Our Lady of the Carmen de Lima

The Monastery of Our Lady of Carmen was founded in Lima on 17 December 1643. The Order of the Descalzas Carmelites sent as a gift a relic of the Prolífica Madre Santa Teresa de Ávila, o de Jesús. It consists...


The sonets and song of the poet Francisco Petrarca … translated by Henrique Garcés

In 1585 circulated in the Spanish world, within an extraordinary pastoral novel, La Galatea, the famous Canto de Calíope, series of Sicilian octaves with which Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra celebrated the poets of the Court of Felipe II. Therein the...

Glosario de Indias

Petrarquismo en la lírica hispánica (siglos XVI – XVII)

Enrique Segura Covarsí señala que la incorporación de la canción petrarquista se produce en dos períodos[1]: el primero se inicia en 1500 y se extiende hasta 1550. Los autores que se encuentran en este primer período son los petrarquistas: Boscán,...