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Universidad del Pacífico

Digital data base of Medieval Iconography


Digital data base of Medieval Iconography

monje con astrolabio

Monks with astrolabe, Salterio de Blanca de Castilla, Queen of France
S. XIII, National Library of France, Ms Arsenal Lat. 1186, f. 1v

The Project for Innovation and Quality Teaching “Base de datos digital de Iconografía Medieval” (Database of Medieval Iconography Digital data) developed after five call for tenders (2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-21012, 2013, 2014 and 2015), gathers professors and researchers of the History of Art  Department I (Medieval) of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

It has two working trends, one is the creation of an iconographic repertory that reflects the variety, wealth and complexity of Medieval figures (Iconographic entries); and the other, the publication of a biannual magazine that collects Monographs of project members and external authors ( Revista Digital de Iconografía Medieval).

Likewise the project members annually organize an open workshop for teachers and students where they present some of the most important progress of the last project edition.


Digital data base of Medieval Iconography