Adenda. Letras novohispanas

The Magazine Adenda. Letras novohispanas disseminates the work of the research group of the Seminario de Edición Crítica de Textos ( Workshop of critical editions of texts) which is a part of the project “Rescate, diffusion y studio del patrimonio novohispano: una aportación a la bibliografía e historia de la Literatura Mexicana” (Fondos SEP-CONACYT CB-2010-01-152595). A description of its first number will follow where you can appreciate the originality of the publication that also includes viceregal works, like the epic poem El Bernardo of Bernardo de Balbuena:
Since 2010, the workshop includes researchers and students of Bachelor degree and postgraduate, interested in the safeguard of this kind of works. It also enters the discussion of theories and methodologies, publishes literature and Novohispanic world analyses. Likewise, strategies and optimal critical methods are debated in order to approach the studies.
In this way a few of the compiled articles ensure a double dimension: on the one hand, they represent the effort of rescuing a literary work, for example the burlesque and heretical writings of Joaquina de Fuentes, and the manuscripts of the royal burial mounds commissioned by the Inquisition to Cayetano Cabrera y Quintero; and on the other hand, they present most relevant aspects of the literary pieces.
While some essays track ideologies, practices or fashions on Novohispanic literature, others discuss the conceptualization of theatre. This number is completed by a review of the book Por lagunas y acequias: La hibridez de la ficción novohispana, published by the Congress organized by the project of the Universidad de Sevilla under the responsibility of Trinidad Barrera.
Finally, the magazine has a section reserved for the constitution of a digital library of Novohispanic literature called Cantos de las musas mexicanas, that seeks to make available to concerned persons, original sources, most of them via Internet. Now is included, the work El Bernardo o victoria de Roncesvalles of the author Bernardo de Balbuena, published in Madrid in 1624, because even it did not have the success expected, the author discredited by his famous poem- epistle Grandeza Mexicana (1604) in New Spain.