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Universidad del Pacífico

Jean Christian

Jean Christian Egoavil is Professor part-time of Ethics at the University of the Pacific and of Philosophy at the EPU. He holds a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and a master’s degree in History. He is currently a PhD candidate in Liberal Arts at the University of Navarra. He is director of the research line on Viceregal Philosophy (Filosofía virreinal) in Estudios Indianos. His areas of research revolve around American philosophy in the 16th and 17th centuries, the scientific development of the same period and the philosophy of technology. His latest publications include “From the Anti-medievalism of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries to the Neo-medievalism of the twenty-first century in Peruvian philosophical thought. A historiographical review”, in Revista Signum, “Medievalism, Philosophers, and Medievalists in 21th Century in Peru. From the forgotten image to new perspectives”, in Trivent Collection and “Los virreinatos de Nueva España y del Perú: de la filosofía virreinal durante los siglos XVI y XVII. Una propuesta historiográfica”, in Relaciones Intervirrerinales en América.

Jean Christian Egoavil