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Universidad del Pacífico

Cornejo Retamozo

Daphne Cornejo Retamozo holds a BA in History from the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal. She is a member of the research lines in Digital Humanities and Peruvian Viceroyalty Philosophy of the research group Estudios Indianos of the Universidad del Pacífico/Universidad de Navarra, is an associate member of the Instituto de Investigaciones de Arte Peruano (IIAPERU), and a collaborating member of the Instituto Riva-Agüero (IRA-PUCP) and the Red Latinoamericana de Cultura Gráfica (RED-CG). Her areas of interest focus on the Digital Humanities, the history of the book and print culture in Peru, the history of photography and historical archives. In addition, she has collaborated in projects of bibliographic and documentary heritage in public and private entities such as the Banco Central de Reserva del Perú, the Biblioteca Nacional del Perú and the Archivo Histórico Riva Agüero (IRA-PUCP). She is currently part of the research project “La Feria del Libro Amazonas en femenino: libreras en el Perú contemporáneo”.

Daphne Cornejo Retamozo