Impresos Americanos del Siglo XVI en las Bibliotecas del Mundo

The project of Mexican Princes of Century XVI is a digital collection of the first books printed in Mexico and Peru before 1601. Until now they have been digitally published Mexican printings and soon the Peruvian printings will be incorporated. His collection will be nourished from the old collections of the main libraries specialized in Hispanic print: Mexico, Peru, USA and Spain will be the main contributors. Its search options include language differentiation (Spanish, Latin and the main ones in Mexico), which is of particular interest to the researcher.
These monographs are very important because they represent the first impressions in the New World and provide primary sources for studies focused on a variety of academic subjects. Approximately 220 very rare titles are found in institutions around the world, although most are in Mexico and the United States. This pilot project seeks to include eleven (11) of the first books sheltered by the Palafoxian Library in Puebla, four (4) protected by the Lafragua Library in Puebla and one of the first books sheltered by the Franciscan Library in Cholula, Protected by the Benson Latin American Collection in The University of Texas, eighteen (18) protected by the Cushing Library in Texas A & M and eight (8) protected by Historical Library Marqués de Valdecilla of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.