Corpus Diacrónico y Diatópico del Español de América (Cordiam)

The Corpus Diacrónico y Diatópico del Español de América (Cordiam), of the Academia Mexicana de la Lengua is a strong digital tool that allows to learn about the historic varieties of American Spanish. For this purpose, and in cooperation with the Academia Nacional de Letras of Uruguay, a database of three million words, taken from the archives of nineteen Spanish-speaking American countries including the South and East of the United States of America, Jamaica, Haiti and Guyana, has been created. Specialists of the Centro de Investigación en Computación (CIC) of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), have developed a software that shows the way in which different words of old Spanish were used in a collection of three thousand documents written in Latin America since the origins of Spanish in the region until the twentieth century. Now they have a corpus of three thousand documents, that soon will become thirty thousand.