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Universidad del Pacífico

Health and disease

These pieces show bodily ailments, plagues or disease, and natural disasters such as floods. A clear example of this are the votive offerings, a pictorial phenomenon that brought together the pious and moral practices of a part of the viceregal society, especially in the New Spain of the XVII and XVIII centuries.

Exvoto a la Virgen de Guadalupe

The novo-Hispanic exvotos materialized the gratitude to a Marian or Christological devotion or to some saint.

Exvoto a la Virgen de Guadalupe

Anónimo, 1801

Diego Lázaro Cura a un indio con barro y agua Santa

The body of the sick person, within the American viceregal plastic art, was represented as part of biblical scenes, acts of charity that good Christians should practice, divine punishments or scenes of miraculous healings.

Diego Lázaro Cura a un indio con barro y agua Santa

Anónimo novohispano, 1669