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Universidad del Pacífico

History of American
Viceroyalty Art

Director: Almerindo Ojeda Di Ninno (Project for the Engraved Sources of Spanish Colonial Art / University of California, Davis)

Taking as a starting point the study of European recorded sources of viceregal art, this line of research seeks to identify both the continuities and ruptures presented by the American viceroyal visual arts with the European visual arts developed between 1450 and 1850. This line of research goes as far as urbanism and architecture as for sculpture, painting, and applied arts.

Researchers: Marcela Corvera Poiré (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Juan Carrete Parrondo, Aaron Michael Hyman (Johns Hopkins University) and Gustavo Adolfo Vives Mejía (Investigador Asociado, PESSCA)


  • Support for the Project for the Engraved Sources of Spanish Colonial Art.
  • Creation of digital photographic archives, both of European graphic art and American viceregal art.
  • Organization of exhibitions and conferences related to this line of research.
  • Digital and printed publication of studies related to this line of research.
  • Organization of courses, workshops, and seminars aimed at training researchers to develop this line of research in the future.
  • Support for efforts to preserve and recover American artistic heritage.
  • Promotion of viceregal tourism.