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Universidad del Pacífico


Vita mirabilis et mors pretiosa venerabilis sororis Rosae de Sancta Maria Limensis

Authors: Leonardo Hansen

The Editio Princeps of the Vita Mirabilis et Mors Pretiosa of the Dominican Fray Leonardo Hansen is from 1664. His work, which was part of the process for the beatification and subsequent canonization of Rosa de Lima, is the canonical hagiography of a santarrosino corpus that – for the second half of the XVII  century – properly fixed the legend about the first American Saint. In 1664 appeared two printed (in octavo e in quarto) that fixed in Latin (the official language of the processes for beatification and canonization) the life of the Virgin of Lima. Four years later, the second Latin edition appeared in Leuven and, almost simultaneously, the translation that Fray Jacinto de Parra made of the Latin text. By 1680, the third edition of the work was published, when the sanctity of Rosa de Lima had been fully celebrated in America and Europe. Hansen’s is undoubtedly the official version of Rosa’s life, which was originally entrusted by the Father General of the Order of Preachers, Giovanni Battista de Marinis (who years later would write to Parra to request the translation of the same to Spanish) and that subsequently served as a basis for the writing of a series of lives written throughout the Catholic Orb.

Adapted by Elio Vélez Marquina Rosa de Indias: discursividad criolla y representación simbólica de la comunidad de Lima en Vida de Santa Rosa de Santa María del Conde de la Granja (1711)