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Universidad del Pacífico


Victoria felicísima de España contra cuarenta navíos enemigos que estaban en las costas de la ciudad de Valencia el 4 de abril

The seventeenth century was a turbulent time in which the coasts of Spain were the scene of fighting between Moors and Christians, as well as the American coasts were besieged by pirate ships. The document gives an account of the victory of Octavio de Aragón and his squad in 1616. The city and the coasts of Valencia were the scene of the events that are exposed in this text.
This interesting source allows us to know the military and naval uses. This is evident, not only in the narration of the combat; but also, in the description of military strategies during the skirmish. The author gives an account of the weapons used and the physical and emotional damage they caused on both sides. Furthermore, this document is not of a merely military nature as it accounts for the religious and festive traditions that developed within the framework of the action of arms. An important point is the reference to the Christian captives who were freed from their confinement after the Spanish victory. The latter was a common practice of the time, on the part of both sides, where the captive was synonymous with spoils of war and a source of money in case a ransom is paid for him. In four folios, the document exhibits the relationship between celebration, spirituality and war.

Enrique Urteaga
Proyecto Estudios Indianos