Tercero Catecismo y exposición de la doctrina cristiana, por sermones
The evangelizing project of the Third Council of Lima was materialized in a documentary corpus in a trilingual version (Spanish, Quechua and Aymara) that inaugurated the printing press in South America. An attempt was made to unify the evangelization strategies and a broad regulation was developed that was in force for a long time in Peru and with continental influence. The Tercero Catecismo o Catecismo por sermoness is part of this Lima corpus and is the most extensive and relevant document.
Printed in Lima by Antonio Ricardo, it consists of a proem on how to teach and preach the Indians, followed by thirty-one sermons arranged as follows: nine sermons on the faith and some articles that must be believed; eight on the sacraments; ten on the commandments; two on the Our Father, and two on the newest or last.
In these texts narrations and analogies drawn from nature are used for the evangelization of the Andean population. Throughout the sermons it is made clear that man has an immortal soul, that faith alone is not enough to achieve salvation and that according to the works carried out in life we will become worthy of the wonders of heaven or damnation eternal.
Ivonne Macazana
Proyecto Estudios Indianos