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Universidad del Pacífico


Sermón que el muy reverendo Padre Fray Pedro Gutiérrez Flórez

Authors: Pedro Gutiérrez Flores

This sermon came off the print of Antonio Ricardo in 1605 due to the desire of the faithful to have access to its printed text and even more, due to the importance of the viceroy as a Christian and defender of the faith. According to Cristina Florez, the authorization granted by the viceroy for the publication of the work recognized that there was no need for the sermon to be seen or examined by another person, and that the correction should be made by the preacher himself, which is a clear example of confidence in his orthodoxy, further attested by his position as Qualifier of the Holy Office.
Pedro Gutiérrez Flórez knew very well the biblical and patristic sources, as well as the authors of the 16th and 17th centuries, and he knew how to make very good use of them as supports for his explanations such as the use of symbols to refer to the church, such as the column, ax and palm to relate it to the truth, the persecution and the impossibility of defeating it. In addition, he used a large number of Latin citations in his writing, which were immediately translated into Spanish. The objective of this sermon, preached in the Auto de Fe in Lima in 1605, was to impact the faithful and foster in them the spirit of unity, learn the truths of the faith and point out heresies.

Digital Resources
Florez, Cristina (2010). El sermón en el Perú de los Austrias y su relación con la génesis del Estado moderno. Investigaciones Sociales, 14(25), 71 – 87