Sermón en la muerte del maestro don fray Luis López de la Orden de San Agustín, Obispo de Quito
This text is a prayer to the honors of Fray Luis López of the Order of San Agustín, Bishop of Quito. Its author Diego de Castro, professor of the Bible at the Royal University of Lima, highlights in more than fifty pages, through biblical quotations, the pastoral work of the bishop.
Luis López promoted the consolidation of the Quito Church, summoned the Synods of Quito in 1594 and of Loja in 1596, divided the territory of the bishopric of Quito into smaller demarcations to carry out intense and periodic pastoral visits, founded new missions such as Napo and Marañón in the eastern slope of the Andean mountain range, parishes and sanctuaries.
He was also concerned about education in his diocese. He set up a Faculty, granted with a royal license to the Order of Saint Augustine to confer the degrees of bachelor, graduate and doctorate in Theology and Canon Law. He insisted on the King to elevate said Faculty to the category of University, as he had previously authorized a bull by Sixtus V, dated August 20, 1586, which created the University of San Fulgencio.
At the age of seventy-two and with poor health, he submitted his resignation to the bishopric of Quito; However, his application was rejected and he was appointed archbishop of Charcas on July 18, 1605. After the news of the death of Toribio de Mogrovejo, López was a candidate for archbishop of Los Reyes de Lima city, but died on July 5 out of 1606.
Digital Resources
Biography of fray Luis López