Relación de lo que hizo don Beltrán de Castro, y de la Cueva en la entrada de Juan de Aquines ingles por el estrecho de Magallanes y mar del sur
This print is located within the texts that narrate the naval battle between Beltrán de Castro and Richard Hawkins, one of the most feared English corsairs, it was a well documented event. This maritime feat appears in several texts by famous writers, as Pedro de Oña recounts it in songs XVIII and XIX of the Arauco domado (1596) and Lope de Vega in Canto II and III of La Dragontea (1598).
This edition, kept in the Historical Library of the University of Salamanca, contains the ««Treslado de una carta de Ricardo Hauquines, escrita en el puerto de Perico, en seys de agosto, de 1594 años para embiar a su padre Iuan Hauquines a Londres».