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Universidad del Pacífico


Proceso de fe de las religiosas de Santa Clara de Trujillo (INQUISICIÓN, 1648, Exp.6)

Authors: Convento de Santa Clara de Trujillo

The manuscript of the Testimony and the Summary of the Holy Office that collects the case of Luisa Benites is in the National Historical Archive, in Madrid, under the signature Inquisition, file 1648, number 6. The manuscripts contain 55 pages in the case of the Testimony and 287 folios, in the case of the Summary. The handwriting is from the 17th century and it is evident that each document was written by a different clerk. The foliation is contemporary with the manuscripts, but appears to be done by one hand. There are marginal annotations, underlined words and very few erasures. The Testimony and Summary of the process of faith followed by two nuns from the convent of Santa Clara de Trujillo in the Kingdoms of Peru resembles a hagiographic literary account that reveals the intention of discovering in the nun Luisa Benites an aspiring to the altars in the already proven land of sanctity that was the Viceroyalty of Peru.


Martina Vinatea

Director of Proyecto Estudios Indianos


Digital Resources

Se busca santa para próximo altar. Luisa Benites y sus luchas contra el demonio. (2019). Edad De Oro, (38), 343–359.