Logo Estudios Indianos
Universidad del Pacífico


Para que los indios yanaconas no puedan ser detenidos en las chacaras contra su voluntad, ni en las ventas, que de las tales chacaras se hicieren, se haga mención de ellos

Authors: Luis de Velasco y Castilla

This document, printed by order of the viceroy of Peru, Don Luis de Velasco (1596-1604), reveals the condition of the indigenous population subject to agricultural work on land, inheritance or chácaras (today chacras). It is mentioned that many Amerindians carry out work on lands assigned to Spaniards and that, as slaves, they are held without doctrine and exchanged as merchandise. The viceroy sanctions these irregularities and determines that the Indians are not included in the wills of said lands. On the other hand, the text reveals the diffusion of the news in two ways: the form in its final file gives an account of the proclamations made both in the Plaza Mayor and in the Cercado de Indios of the city of Los Reyes de Lima.

Enrique Urteaga
Proyecto Estudios Indianos