Logo Estudios Indianos
Universidad del Pacífico


Ordenanzas que el señor Marques de Cañete visorey de estos Reynos del Piru mando hacer para el remedio de los excesos, que los Corregidores de Naturales hazen en tratar, y contratar con los indios, y daños, y agravios que de esto reciben

García Hurtado de Mendoza y Manrique, IV Marquis of Cañete, was the VIII Viceroy of Peru and ruled between 1589 and 1596. In 1594, he promulgated some ordinances with which he sought to remedy the excesses of the Indian corregidores in relation to merchandise trafficking. .
In this document, printed in Lima by Francisco del Canto, the viceroy of Peru, Mr. García Hurtado de Mendoza, due to the abuse committed by the corregidores against the indigenous people, prohibits the said corregidores from carrying out any type of commercial deal or farming with Indians. and caciques, without exception. In such a way that, if a corregidor sent the Indians of his district to sell wine, coca, clothing or other articles, inside or outside the district, he would lose all the merchandise and the protectors and justices were notified. Corregidores were also prohibited from doing business with the owners of the obrajes. Failure to comply with these ordinances carried a penalty of suspension of offices; and the caciques were punished even with the loss of their chiefdom if they carried out this type of transaction.

Ivonne Macazana
Proyecto Estudios Indianos
Digital Resources
Durán, María Antonia (1990). La entrada en Lima del Virrey D. García Hurtado de Mendoza, Marqués de Cañete