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Universidad del Pacífico


Natalis Comitis mythologiae sive explicationum fabularum libri decem…

Authors: Natale Conti

Natalis Comitis mythologiae sive explicationum fabularum libri decem in quibus omnia propè Naturalis & Moralis Philosophia dogmata contenta fuisse demonstratur… Venecia, 1581

Mythology * by Natale Conti is, perhaps, one of the most influential mythographic treatises of the European Renaissance. Its author, born in Rome and based in Venice, witnessed the publishing success of his work. The first edition dates from 1551 and was printed in Venice by Aldo Manuzio. The same city is the cradle of the second extended edition of 1581 that includes his Latin hunting poem De venatione. Conti was a humanist who read the Greco-Roman classics in their original language. He translates in the book Mitología several fragments of Greek texts where he publishes his own compositions in Latin.

Natale Conti’s influence in this area is remarkable and goes to America. You can find copies of his book in Peru and Mexico: el Proyecto Estudios Indianos keeps a Venetian copy of 1581. The work of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz has a close relationship with the mythological invention of Conti. Dr. Rocío Olivares. is the person that has best studied this inter-textual relationship.

*The literal translation of the title, without considering the name of the author who heads it, is Mythologies or explanations of fables in ten books.