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Universidad del Pacífico


Lope de Vega from Brazil. In the fourth centenary of the «Arte Nuevo » (1609-2009)

Authors: Carlos Mata Induráin, Lygia Rodrigues Vianna Peres, Rosa María Sánchez-Cascado Nogales

On 27-28 August 2009, at the Universidade Federal Fluminense (Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil), an international congress was held «Lope de Vega. Elíjase el tema: comedia, literatura, historia, arte, emblemática», that was coordinated by Dr. Lygia Rodrigues Vianna Peres. The outcomes of that meeting were announced in a publication in CD-ROM, by the Instituto Cervantes of Rio de Janeiro and the Universidade Federal Fluminense , in cooperation with the Grupo de Investigación Siglo de Oro (GRISO) of the Universidad de Navarra 1.

Now with the new technologies, we have transformed the CD-ROM into an online publication, which is among the collection of Publicaciones digitales del GRISO (BIADIG, Biblioteca Áurea Digital).  We think that this —like the second exit of Quixote, if we are permitted to play with this personage, even if it is about Lope— will allow an even greater diffusion of the contributions of the Congress. In this way all the works included in CD-ROM 2, are reproduced, with the complement of Dr. Lygia Rodrigues Vianna Peres words in the “Presentation”. She also reiterates her gratitude to all the organizations that sponsored the congress (as the CD-ROM follows the editorial criteria of GRISO).

The volume is presented now with a new title: Lope de Vega desde el Brasil. En el cuarto centenario del «Arte nuevo» (1609-2009). It includes the valuable contribution of Brazilian researchers — along with some other geographical provenances— to the study of the Spanish theater of the Golden Age, and more specifically to the analysis of the corpus of Lope de Vega. The works are reproduced without major changes or updates, except for the correction of some detected errata.