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Universidad del Pacífico


Libro de la vida y milagros de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en dos lenguas, aimara y romance, traducido por el licenciado Alonso de Villegas

Authors: Ludovico Bertonio

Libro dela vida y milagros de Nvestro Señor Ieʃu Chriʃto en dos lenguas, aymara, y romance, traducido de el que recopilo el licenciado Alonso de Villegas was published in Juli, Peru, in 1612. The book comprehensively relates the life of Christ, in 51 chapters. The text is presented in two columns: Aymara on the left and Spanish on the right.

Villegas’s work was translated into Aymara by Ludovico Bertonio de la Compañía de Jesús. In his dedication “Al piadoso y christiano lector”, Bertonio maintains that learning a language is more natural through texts. His position, moreover, is bilateral: that the Aymara learn Spanish was as important as that the Spanish learn Aymara.