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Universidad del Pacífico


Instrucciones para el manejo de las haciendas jesuitas del Perú (ss. XVII-XVIII)

Authors: Pablo Macera

This book contains the transcripts of the instructions and memorials given to the administrators of the estates, booklets written by the Jesuits by order of Viceroy Amat to serve as a guide to those who succeeded them in the administration of the estates, and part of the documentation of the section “Accounts and property titles” of the temporary funds of the National Archive of Peru.

Thus, Pablo Macera, through statistical tables with profuse economic information, analyzes and describes cultivation techniques, work systems, types of peasant settlement, slave labor, commercialization of agricultural products, among other aspects of internal regime in the haciendas with special focus on the sugarcane estates of Turnan, Pachachaca, El Ingenio de Huaura, Aguacollay, San Jacinto, Santa Beatriz, Chancay y Huaura and San José de La Pampa.