Logo Estudios Indianos
Universidad del Pacífico


Doctrina cristiana y catecismo para la instrucción de los indios, y de las demás personas que han de ser enseñadas en nuestra santa fe: con un confesionario y otras cosas necesarias

Doctrina christiana, y catecismo para instrvccion de los indios, y de las de mas perʃonas, que han de ʃer enʃeñadas en nueʃtra ʃancta fe : con vn confessionario, y otras cosas neceʃʃʃarias was published in Lima, Peru, in 1584. It was the first book printed in South America. It was a trilingual edition in Quechua, Aymara and Spanish. It was also the first work printed in the language of the Incas. The first printing press in the South was established in Lima by Antonio Ricardo (circa 1540-1606), an Italian who had worked for a time as a printer with the Jesuits in Mexico City. This book is part of a collection of 39 first editions in the National Library of Peru, produced at this printing house between 1584 and 1619.