Confesionario para los curas de indios, con instrucciones para sus ritos y para la extremaunción, y un resumen de los privilegios e impedimentos del matrimonio
This document was produced within the framework of the evangelizing project in which the Third Council of Lima was involved. The Confesionario para los curas de indios, con instrucciones para sus ritos y para la extremaunción, y un resumen de los privilegios e impedimentos del matrimonio was printed in Lima by Antonio Ricardo. The text addresses issues related to the sacraments of confession, the anointing of the sick and even regulations related to marriage. In addition, it has the characteristic of being a trilingual document (Spanish, Quechua and Aymara). It is, without a doubt, a document that allows us to explore Spanish religiosity and its relationship with the catechetical process towards Native Americans, at the same time that sheds light on the state of the Andean languages towards the end of the 16th century.
Enrique Urteaga
Proyecto Estudios Indianos