Logo Estudios Indianos
Universidad del Pacífico


Confesionario muy copioso en dos lenguas, aymara y española […]

Authors: Ludovico Bertonio

Ludovico Bertonio contributed with his works to the evangelizing project of the Jesuits and to the knowledge of the daily life of the Viceroyalty of Peru. Thus, each book published by Bertonio is focused on the evangelizing action of the Aymara and responds to the guidelines defined in the Lima councils. The priests, immersed in the evangelizing dynamics of their time, assumed that the conversion of the Indians required the correct use of the native languages.
Thus, in the Confesionario muy copioso «… se platica brevemente a los indios que cosa sean los sacramentos, con qué disposición deben recibirse, especialmente el de la confesión, ayudándolos a que se confiesen enteramente» At the end of the work several examples and comparisons were placed that should be used by the priest in order to «mover a los indios a querer y volverse a su Dios».

Daphne Cornejo
Proyecto Estudios Indianos