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Universidad del Pacífico


Collection of the memories or relations that the Virreyes of Peru wrote (Volume I)

Authors: Ricardo Beltrán Rózpide

Collection of the memories or relations written by the Viceroys of Peru about the state in which they left the general things of the kingdom, compendium edited by Ricardo Beltrán Rózpide of the Real Academia de la Historia (Volume I)

The Spanish Empire, in the opinion of some historians, was built on tons of paper. This affirmation is stated in the memorials and relations that were made by order of the different Viceroys. In these reports, information on the resources in Peru, their problems, and the most convenient way of directing the chaotic Spanish Empire was recorded. In this collection you will find documentation of Francisco de Toledo, the Marqués de Montesclaros, among other characters.

Volume I: memorial (report) de don Francisco de Toledo, relaciones (reports) del Marqués de Salinas, Marqués de Montesclaros y Príncipe de Esquilache