Corpus Diacrónico y Diatópico del Español de América (Cordiam)
The Corpus Diacrónico y Diatópico del Español de América (Cordiam), of the Academia Mexicana de la Lengua is a strong digital tool that allows to learn about the historic...
Refranero multilingüe del Centro Virtual Cervantes
The paremias or sentences or sayings are fundamental to know the language along with the ideological and cultural loads that the speakers consider popular wisdom. The Cervantes Virtual...
General File of RAE
The RAE has several digital tools that facilitate research. The General File complements the information available in the dictionaries (DRAE, DPD, Autoridades, among others) with the lexicographic material used by...
Repositorio documental GREDOS (Universidad de Salamanca)
GREDOS is the acronym of the Management System of the Documentary Repository of the University of Salamanca. This platform allows the consultation of on-line documents with historic, scientific,...
Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE)
The Corpus Diachronic of Spanish (CORDE) is a textual corpus of all the times and places in which Spanish was spoken, from the beginning of the language until...