«Hablemos de» is a series of four chapters on museum management, that takes the exemplary case of the Museo Pedro de Osma. The videos narrate, from different perspectives,...
The Programming Historian en español
Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. The Programming Historian en español es una comunidad de voluntarios que publica tutoriales revisados por pares dirigidos a humanistas que...
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. The Internet History Sourcebooks, desarrollado por el Departamento de Historia de Fordham University en New York, es una colección de...
Spanish Paleography Digital Teaching and Learning
The CUNY Dominican Studies Institute (CUNY DSI) of the City College of New York has created the Spanish Paleography Digital Teaching and Learning Tool. This is an online interactive...
Dictionary of Novohispanic Abbreviations
The Centro de Estudios Mayas del Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas de la UNAM (Center of Maya Studies of the Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de...
Bibliometría con el Ngram Viewer de Google
The Ngram Viewer (The n-graphics display) developed by Google is a bibliometric tool very useful at the moment for making a heuristic study of bibliographic sources or...
TinEye Reverse Image Search (Buscador de imágenes de alta definición)
TinEye is a reverse image search engine. Find the source page, explain how it is being used, and note if there are modified versions of it, or at...