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Universidad del Pacífico


Rosa laureada entre los santos, epitalamios sacros de la Corte…, de fray Jacinto Parra

Authors: Jacinto Parra

The Dominican Fray Jacinto Parra is a fundamental character for the consolidation of the santarrosino cult in the New and the Old World. His is the Spanish translation of the Vita mirabilis of his fellow Leonardo Hansen, but also compiled the important volume entitled Rosa laureada entre los santos, epitalamios sacros de la Corte, aclamaciones de España, aplausos de Roma, congratulaciones festivas del clero y religiones al feliz desposorio que celebro en la Gloria con Christo la Beata Virgen Rosa de Santa Maria, de la Tercera Orden de Predicadores, Patrona del Perù, y beatificacion solemne que promulgo en la iglesia militante Clemente Nono de feliz recordacion en 15 de abril de 1668.

This ample volume in folio of more than 650 pages was printed in Madrid in the Domingo García Morrás’s workshops and, to date, it should be considered a rare print. The digitization here consigned comes from the library of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Rosa laureada, plainly described leaflet by Domingo Angulo in his Santa Rosa de Lima. Estudio bibliográfico (p.18) contains sermons and descriptions of festivities from the different celebrations that were held in Madrid and Rome by the different congregations, especially by the Dominicans. The homiletic content of the book is remarkable, since it contains the sermons that distinguished Spanish prelates pronounced in the respective celebrations of their churches or orders. The last of them stands out in volume: the sermon made by Fr. Gonzalo Tenorio, a Franciscan who knew the Saint and her confessors.

Also, it grabs attention, because of its elaborate creole content, the dedication to Mr. Álvaro Ibarra, President of the Royal Chancellery of San Francisco de Quito, who became in Peru, the earliest Oidor and Inquisitor. On the other hand, the Introducción isagógica: imagen panegírica de su espíritu is, at the same time as a proem, a hagiographic compendium of the santarrosina lives.