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Universidad del Pacífico


Relación de las fiestas que en la ciudad del Cuzco se hicieron por la beatificación del bienaventurado padre Ignacio de Loyola

This Relación, printed in Lima by Francisco del Canto, consists of seven pages, written in Spanish, to which were added, three pages written in Latin and related to the canonization of Saint Ignatius of Loyola. It describes how the good news of the beatification was spread with joy in the city of Cuzco and the activities that were carried out with great participation of civil and religious authorities, religious orders and the general population: prayers, songs, music, decorated altars, masses and sermons; in addition, processions with the image of the new blessed on elegant litters. All these activities took place with great solemnity over several days and in different squares and parishes. It is a text that highlights the relationship of the Jesuits with the Inca nobility.
Paula Martínez highlights the mentions to the brotherhood of the Child Jesus, the coat of arms of Huayna Cápac and the procession of the Inca dynastic memories; and points out that although they were ceremonies loaded with representations of the Inca past, the indigenous elite was careful to show their subjection to the crown and to the Catholic faith.
The news of the beatification of Ignacio de Loyola (1491-1556), founder of the Society of Jesus, reached Cuzco when the Jesuits were carrying out important evangelizing and educational work in that city. It was precisely the Jesuits who were in charge of the arrival of the first printing press in South America; That is why they promoted the dissemination, in printed format, of the festivities celebrated around the Blessed Jesuit. Ignatius of Loyola was beatified in 1609 and canonized in 1622. His feast is celebrated on July 31 of each year.

Ivonne Macazana
Proyecto Estudios Indianos
Digital Resources
Martínez, Paula (2020). De beatos a Incas. Procesiones indígenas en la relación de 1610
Alfonso, Marina (2019). Fiestas jesuíticas. Del paraíso interior al paraíso del Nuevo Mundo