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Universidad del Pacífico


Quadraginta et octo conclusionum manus in celeberrimo totius Peruvini regni […]

Authors: Juan Hurtado de Vera y Rosales

Little is known of Juan Hurtado de Vera y Rosales, a bachelor of the Colegio Real y Mayor de San Felipe y San Marcos. As stated in the dedication, he was protected by the viceroy Marqués de Montesclaros. His Latin work Quadraginta et octo conclusionum contains 48 conclusions on various matters that could have been debated in the cloister at the request of the viceroy. Apparently, it is a circumstantial book, since the marginal annotations point to the effects of the creation of the Archdiocese of La Plata de los Charcas, decreed by Pope Paul V in 1609.