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Universidad del Pacífico


Fiel y verdadero traslado de un breve memorial de la vida y milagros del santo padre fray Julián de Alcalá […]

This document, printed in Lima by Francisco del Canto, is the translation of a memorial on the life of Julián de Alcalá, a Spanish friar of the order of San Francisco. The text, prepared by Fray Francisco de Herrera, presents the exemplary life of the religious, who, in the opinion of the Franciscan order, was susceptible to being elevated to altars. Among his gifts and virtues, the prophetic spirit and the infused science of the Holy Spirit stand out.

Fray Julián de Alcalá is described as a man of austere life, of fervent prayer and dedicated to penance. In addition, countless miracles are attributed to him. These vitae of virtuous Franciscans had a moralizing purpose for society and for the members of the order, hence the importance of their dissemination through printed matter. Julián Martinet (1553 – 1606), known as Fray Julián de Alcalá or Fray Julián de San Agustín, was beatified in 1825 by Pope Leo XII and his feast is celebrated on April 8 of each year.

Ivonne Macazana
Proyecto Estudios Indianos