Decreto de nuestro santísimo padre, el papa Pablo V, en favor de la Inmaculada Concepción de la Santísima Virgen Madre de Dios y Señora Nuestra
This document, translated from Latin into Spanish, is a decree of Pope Paul V that addresses the Christian dogma of the Immaculate Conception. This folio gives an account of the fluid information that existed between Rome and its American territories: as it is a decree on the controversy surrounding the immaculate conception of Mary.
Physically, this primary source is a bit damaged due to the passage of time. However, this corruption does not affect the main message that it communicates. It is important to mention the engravings that accompany the decree. There are two shields and an image of the Virgin Mary, with a Flemish appearance, flanked by immaculate iconography.
This decree indicates the papal prohibition for the clerics urbi et orbi to express themselves publicly – in sermons, for example – against the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary. Although it is not forbidden to think otherwise, the position that concluded in the declaration of the dogma in 1854 is clear.
Enrique Urteaga
Proyecto Estudios Indianos