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Universidad del Pacífico


Catecismo en lengua española y quichua, ordenado por autoridad del concilio provincial de Lima el año de 1583

The evangelizing project of the Tercer Concilio Limense was materialized in a documentary corpus in a trilingual version (Spanish, Quechua and Aymara), which inaugurated the printing press in South America. It was about the attempt to unify the strategies of evangelization and the elaboration of a wide regulation that had a long validity in Peru and continental influence. The Christiana Doctrine and Catechism for Instruction of the Indians is part of this Lima corpus and was printed in its bilingual version (Spanish and Quechua) in Lima by Francisco del Canto.
The present edition of 1613 consists of four main parts: a Primer (where the main prayers, the articles of faith, the commandments of the Law and the Church, the theological virtues, the cardinal virtues, the newest and the confession are mentioned general), a short Catechism for the rough and busy, a short Talk containing the sum of what those who become a Christian should know, and a larger Catechism for those who are more capable. They are texts that highlight the need for faith and works to achieve salvation.

Ivonne Macazana
Proyecto Estudios Indianos
Digital Resources
Romero Ferrer, Raimundo (1990). Los catecismos limenses de 1584 – 1585, expresión del espíritu de la reforma católica