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Universidad del Pacífico


Biblioteca Indiana, 18

Poesía satírica y burlesca en la Hispanoamérica colonial

Biblioteca Indiana, 18

Arellano, I. y A. Lorente Medina (eds.)
Poesía satírica y burlesca en la Hispanoamérica colonial
2009, 432 pp., 28,00 euros.
ISBN: 978-84-8489-455-1

Careful study of a literary subgenre which is as important as poorly known for its special conditions of circulation, handwritten, anonymous and clandestine, for the most part.

See table of contents.


  • Renaissance Quarterly, 63, 4, 2010, pp. 1294-1296 [see review].
  • Filología y Lingüística, 36, 1, 2010, pp. 285-288 [see review].
  • Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 886, 2011, pp. 919-920 [see review].
  • Lengua y Literatura, 6, 1, 2011 [see review]
  • Colonial Latin American Review, 20.3, 2012, pp. 425-426 [see review].
Biblioteca Indiana, 18