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Universidad del Pacífico


Art and vocabulary of the general language of Peru, called Quechua, and the Spanish language

Authors: Diego González Holguín

Art and vocabulary of the general language of Peru, called Quechua, and the Spanish language. The most copious and elegant, which has now been printed, was published in Lima, Peru, in 1614. The book provides a detailed description of Quechua, the predominant language of the Inca people. His introduction covers pronunciation and grammar, followed by a dictionary of Quechua words with their equivalents in Spanish.

The work in question has been attributed, over the years, to many authors or characters of the sixteenth century: Ludovico Bertonio, Francisco del Canto (his printer), Domingo de Santo Tomás, Diego González Holguín, Diego de Torres Rubio and Alfonso Bárcena. When studying the copies that are kept at the digital collection of the Biblioteca Mundial Digital , you will find manuscripts that witness these attributions:

The work is attributed to the Jesuit Diego González Holguín, as can be seen in the handwritten annotation that appears in the second folio of the digitized copy. This attribution is especially because the author previously published a Gramática (Grammar) and a Vocabulary (Vocabulary).